She's got such a positive attitude. Finishing workmeetings on the train, as always, while managing to look extremely trendy. Maria still misses the fashion industry but she is doing very well with us...
jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013
martes, 7 de mayo de 2013
jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013
Shoes @vipsfuencarral
Or you could say a whole outfit. Isn't it just lovable? Vips is just a classy place to catch up on the magazines, and in Malasaña's you csn have it all. Full of "modernos", Fuencarral st is just a catwslk...
miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013
Shoes @runningtime, Cibeles to Neptuno
That is basically how far I was able to run without loosing my breath. Sometimes you need to realize how far behind you are to catch up. This morning's run was a reality check... Time to find out 30min a day to run!!
martes, 30 de abril de 2013
TShoes @puenteaheadofus
I have 5 days of holiday ahead of me. Its our anniversary and you can sense the mood in the air... No one is too concentrated, plus there is a big soccer game right accross the street (R Madrid vs Borusia). By 5 pm I am almost the last one left... Ohh if it werent for time differences with the us i would be long gone...
viernes, 26 de abril de 2013
Shoes @backandforthinaday
Up by 5 a.m, 7 am flight, with your boss next to you that doesnt understand you cant work before coffee. Whole day of meetings, runing back and forth, last plane home which you barely make and..finally, my two boys at home. Even if they are asleep. Ohhh the life of the modern executive...
miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013
Shoes @learninghowtocrawl
Im not sure yet wether he likes his shoes or not. He almost has as many as his dad, and wearing them makes him feel "older" (at 5 months old you can sort of He has discovered his feet and grabs shoes.. Though most of the time is just to take them off!!
domingo, 14 de abril de 2013
Shoes @retiro, Madrid
sábado, 13 de abril de 2013
Shoes @Diurno, Chueca
Its Saturday and there is a line at Diurno. A cute, interesting place... Movies, cakes, mojitos.. And the ultimate pick up place for intelectual gays around. The guy in the photo was just being approached with the line.."dont i know you?" . Classy, I know..
viernes, 12 de abril de 2013
Shoes @plazadecolon, Madrid
Its Friday and he just got of work. On his way to a caña with friends... Moving, dancing.. Flying. Its Friday after all and he's got swagger...
jueves, 11 de abril de 2013
Shoes @fashionablylate, Chueca, Madrid
Some consider it power walking. I though of it as "shit-i-am-so-late-cant-run-in-this-shoes". And yes.. No socks.. Spring is just around the corner (but i mean the good weather tipe not the calendar says its spring but its freezing cold...) :)
martes, 9 de abril de 2013
Shoes @interview time
I saw her coming in to the building all nervous. You could tell she was in for a job interview. Saw her on her way put, built up in confidence.. She definetely scored!
lunes, 8 de abril de 2013
Shoes @larevoltosa, Madrid
One week out of the city called for a slow family breakfast. Or aperitivo, as it was closer to lunch than it was originally planned. He had his new bday present, his black vans from my parents which he absolutely loved. I think its the 5th or 6th pair since we first started dating.. Well.. At leqst he is loyal to what he likes...
viernes, 5 de abril de 2013
Shoes @boardingtime, Las Vegas
457 minutes playing at the roulette table, 8 gin&tonics, 3 hamburguers and 762$ later.. Time to go home. He is impatient to board, 9 hours ahead of him to get some sleep.. And for me to see my boys. Madrid, here I come.
jueves, 4 de abril de 2013
Shoes @theconference, Las Vegas
Second day of the conference in vegas. Awesome so far, inspiration through every presentation.. You can tell she is loving it.. (Did I mention that i work in a very casual company?)
miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013
Shoes @sandsconventioncenter, Las Vegas
She is waiting. She stands out. Its not her tattood arms, or her dyed her. She has this allure in her, style all over, which you can tell by her shoes. She waits, and waits and waits...and spreads her charm all around.
martes, 2 de abril de 2013
Shoes @venetian, las vegas
Here for work but with a free morning ahead of me. And loads of jet lag. Flat shoes, shopping till we drop. Welcome to vegas, baby
lunes, 1 de abril de 2013
Shoes @barajas airport
In the airport about to board to the us for work. An army of kids back to Mexico from a soccer tournament in Sevilla, and these stood out. This kid is going to be a star one day, let me tell you...
domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013
Shoes @granvia, Madrid
Sunday. He has rithym in him. He is a performer. Perhaps in a musical, in one of the theaters further down. He dances. He doesn't care. He is happy and the sun is shinning. Can't ask for more...
Shoes @mesondemar, luarca
He is a cool grandad. Not only did he wear jeans and new balance sneakers, but he knew his way around his grand sons nintendo ds. If you can't beat them, you might as well join them!
Shoes @gijon
The sun came out. Family time, a walk with her father on the beach. Like those old times, a bike ride, where ice cream was promised as a treat.
The green soles trasmited optimisim.. And a hope for spring to finally arrive.
sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013
Shoes @gijon
The sun came out and it was the perfect time for Telmo to see the sea for the first time... I was wearing my loafers, my favourite xmas gift...
viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013
Shoes @luarca
Its easter here.. First vacation with the baby, and we went up north, to Asturias. Of course rain appeared. Still, the walk under the rain was worth it. I <3 Asturias...
miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013
Shoes @lastdaybeforevacation
The fact that he is wearing his 'airmax' on a rainy day just says it all. This pair, that is still kept on the box, cleaned and polished after each uses.. So, yes, 4 days on vacation. Under the rain, but still vacation.
lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013
Shoes @work
Love the casual mood in my office.. She manages to be serious, yet femenine with the pink touch in her shoes.
viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013
Shoes @work
So i just got back to work from a long maternity leave.. But still TGIF. I think you can see that's the mood around here. Either that.. Or that pur trip to Vegas is one week away...
jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013
Shoes @ourwardrove
Is there such thing as too many shoes? Next time he swears he just needs another pair of Vans I am going to bring this photo up..
Shoes @Elevator in Torre Picasdo, Madrid
There is a huge contrast on the style of my office and the offices in our building. You can tell how serious, and boring, those loafers look. Definetely drag the mood down...
miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013
Shoes @hisfirstwalk
It was Telmo's first walk. Unconfortably exciting. 4 months later im.still wearing the "L" in the stroller.
martes, 19 de marzo de 2013
Waiting for a table. Waiting for your friend. Waiting for your caña. But most of all... Waiting for spring to arrive.
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013
domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013
Shoes @hotelroommate, Granada
Shoes @Montera cross, Madrid
Shoes @Labicicletacafé, Madrid.
Shoes @GranVia St, Madrid
f Love the yellow socks.